Graduation is One of Life’s Greatest Events

Class of 2016 Graduation Tassel Hassle T-shirt
Class of 2016 Graduation Tassel Hassle T-shirt by egogenius
Browse Graduation T-Shirts

High school graduation is significant because for many it marks the end of childhood and the beginning of adulthood. Before graduation even happens students begin filling out applications for colleges or for jobs. They begin planning and dreaming about what their life might become. They think about purchasing a car or a computer, they think about the new friends that are to be made at college. By the time graduation day arrives teens are filled with a mixture of emotions. Some are fearful, some mourn the loss of their childhood, and still others are nothing but joyful about the transition. Whatever their emotion, all students seem to hold one thing in common on graduation day: relief. Relief over being finished with years of schooling, relief over making it through all of the hardships of growing up, and the relief of another summer break about to begin.