Project Manager Magical Powers Desk Organizer

Project Manager Magical Powers Desk Organizer

by disgruntled_genius

Did you make a resolution to be more organized in the new year? Getting organized doesn’t have to be a chore. Here are some simple steps you can take to start your journey to a more organized life.

Formulate a plan. There is nothing that is more potent to achieving your goals than having a plan to start off. Know why you want to get organized. Are you doing this for yourself to make your life easier and time saving, or are you doing it because someone told you to or because your neighbor is doing it? If your heart is not in it, you will get stressed, frustrated, waste money and not have a useable time saving solution to your organizational problems.

  • Begin with the messes and clutter that you see every day. Organize your kitchen, garage, and family room before tackling hidden areas such as your hallway closet. Once you see how nice it looks, you will want to work on the other areas.
  • Eliminate what you don’t need. Not everything has to go the way of the dumpster. Donate to a charity or sell the items and allow yourself the freedom from feeling guilty or wasteful. If you aren’t using it, chances are someone else can.
  • Use drawer dividers to keep small items such as silverware separated and organized. The will also work in the office for supplies and in the bedroom for socks, underwear, or lingerie.
  • Give everything in your house a place of its own. Contain things properly. Consider about where you would look for items reasonably and what type of like bits and pieces can be contained right along with them. This way your family will know exactly where to find it and where to put it away. For example, you could establish a single defined place in your house for storing library books. This will end the house-wide hunt when it is time to read or return them.
  • Hang hooks for your keys and purse at the entry to your home, so each time you walk in, you can hang them up.
  • Set aside one basket for you and your partner for incoming mail, bills, and receipts and letters. This way everyone will know where these important items are when needed. Keep all important papers such as birth certificates, social security cards and medical insurance information in one folder.
  • Prioritize what is in fact needed and important to you. Get rid of things that are not needed any longer. Expired coupons, old prescriptions, magazines you might get around to reading someday. All these take away space you could be using for items you do need and use. Be “ruthless” about what you keep. You have a finite amount of space. Use the “real estate” only for those things you need and treasure.
  • Be sure to schedule time to maintain your new found organized self and surroundings. Be attentive about thoroughly cleaning once a month and you will find it much easier to keep up, week-by-week.

An organized space helps unclutter your mind. As you develop systems to keep organized, you will be able to transform your life, not just your space. You will free your mind to remember more important things like appointments and birthdays when you are organized.